ヒンド鉄道 Waiting List チケットで乗れなかったのに全額返金されなかった理由

Gaya 駅


ヒンド鉄道で Waiting List 確率49% のチケット買ったら見事に乗れなかった。




前回同じように、Wating List チケットで乗れなくて自動的にキャンセルされた時は200Rsの全額が返金されていた。





Booking Confirmation on IRCTC, Train: 14041, 20-Oct-2017, SL, DLI - HW
ticketadmin@irctc.co.in <ticketadmin@irctc.co.in>20 October 2017 at 10:33


This is a system generated mail. Please do not reply to this email ID. If you have a query or need any clarification you may: 
(1) Call our 24-hour Customer Care or
(2) Email Us care@irctc.co.in 

Ticket Confirmation


Dear Customer,
Congratulations! Thank you for using IRCTC's online rail reservation facility. Your e-ticket has been booked and the details are indicated below.

Ticket Details

Transaction ID :100001020647363PNR No. :2818673485Train No. / Name :14041 / MUSSOORIE EXP
Date of Booking :20-Oct-2017Class :SLEEPER CLASSQuota :GENERAL
Date of Journey :20-Oct-2017From :DLITo :HW
Boarding At :DLIDate Of Boarding :20-Oct-2017Reservation Up to :HW
Scheduled Departure :22:10 Hrs    


Passenger Details

Sl. No.Name GenderStatusCoachSeat / Berth / WL No
1maco MaleWL 108 


Fare Details

Distance :283 KM
Ticket Fare :Rs. 190.00
Service Charge (Inclusive of GST) :Rs. 0.00
Total Fare :Rs. 190.00 *#
* Payment Gateway charges as applicable.
# Agent Charges as applicable, if any.




Cancel Ticket
ticketadmin@irctc.co.in <ticketadmin@irctc.co.in>21 October 2017 at 13:48

To: Maco

This is a system generated mail. Please do not reply to this email ID. If you have a query or need any clarification you may: 
(1) Call our 24-hour Customer Care or
(2) Email Us care@irctc.co.in 

Dear Customer,
We wish to inform you that your ticket against PNR Number: 2818673485 has been cancelled successfully. Please collect Rs. 130 from agent
For any problem please contact us 24x7 Hrs. Customer Support at 011-39340000, Fax No. 011-23345900, Chennai Care No. 044-25300000

Warm Regards,
Customer Care
Internet Ticketing


IRCTCがチャージしたのは Rs. 190 だった。

それが60Rs 引かれる理由がわからない。


Maco25 October 2017 at 12:59

To: ticketadmin@irctc.co.in, care@irctc.co.in

You charged Rs. 190.00

Why refund only Rs. 130  ???

Could you explain ?


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care@irctc.co.in <care@irctc.co.in>26 October 2017 at 08:39

To: Maco

Dear Customer,

Kindly note that as per Indian Railway rules in case of waitlisted ticket cancellation charges Rs. 60/- per passenger shall be deducted.

 Please visit the following link mentioned below to know the cancellation
charges of e-tickets:-__

Thanks & Regards
Shivani Bhatnagar
Executive, Customer Care
Ph 011 39340000/23340000

Maco 26 October 2017 at 10:04

To: care@irctc.co.in

Thank  you  for your response.

Your rule says: " If the ticket is presented for cancellation more than forty eight hours in advance of the

scheduled departure of the train:-"  Sleeper Class Rs.60"

But I did not cancel more than forty eight hours in advance of the

scheduled departure of the train.

This ticket is cancelled automatically because ticket not issued.

This ticket kept WL, and never Confirmed.

"If amount getting debited from customer account and ticket not issued, IRCTC will refund the entire Fare and

IRCTC service charges electronically"

So, in this case, Full amount must be refunded according your refund rule.




Inline images 1

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care@irctc.co.in <care@irctc.co.in>26 October 2017 at 11:14

To: Maco

Dear Customer,

Kindly note that as per Indian Railway rules in case of wait listed ticket cancellation automatically or manually charges shall be deducted as a clerical charges 

Thanks & Regards
Shivani Bhatnagar
Executive, Customer Care
Ph 011 39340000/23340000

Maco <Maco>26 October 2017 at 12:05

To: care@irctc.co.in

Then , why did you full refunded about 

Transaction ID: 100000985497286PNR No 6606182167


You charged 200 Rs. and refunded 200 Rs.

Why different from Transaction ID:100001020647363  ???

Could you explain the difference ?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <ticketadmin@irctc.co.in>
Date: 21 September 2017 at 13:28
Subject: Cancel Ticket
To: Maco


This is a system generated mail. Please do not reply to this email ID. If you have a query or need any clarification you may: 
(1) Call our 24-hour Customer Care or
(2) Email Us care@irctc.co.in 

Dear Customer,
We wish to inform you that your ticket against PNR Number: 6606182167 has been cancelled successfully. Please collect Rs. 200 from agent
For any problem please contact us 24x7 Hrs. Customer Support at 011-39340000, Fax No. 011-23345900, Chennai Care No. 044-25300000

Warm Regards,
Customer Care
Internet Ticketing

[Quoted text hidden]


care@irctc.co.in <care@irctc.co.in>28 October 2017 at 07:44

To: Maco

Dear Customer,

As per your concern we would like to inform you that it is depend upon indian railway Please visit the following link mentioned below to know the cancellation charges of e-tickets:-__

[LINK]https://www.services.irctc.co.in/beta_htmls/REFUND RULES wef 1-Jul-13.pdf

Thanks & Regards
Shivani Bhatnagar
Executive, Customer Care
Ph 011 39340000/23340000

Maco4 November 2017 at 08:51

To: care@irctc.co.in

Dear Shivani Bhatnagar,

Please quote the exact part or article which justify your charging 60 Rs.

Otherwise, Full refund must be made immediately according to the regulation.

"If amount getting debited from customer account and ticket not issued, IRCTC will refund the entire Fare and 

IRCTC service charges electronically"




[Quoted text hidden]

care@irctc.co.in <care@irctc.co.in>4 November 2017 at 12:09

To: Maco

Dear Customer,

We would inform you that we have already refund you full amount .

Thanks & Regards
Shivi Saxena
Executive Customer Care
Ph : 011-23340000/39340000

Maco <Maco>13 November 2017 at 08:42

To: care@irctc.co.in

Dear Shivi Saxena,

Your "full amount" means how much ?
How much Rs. did you refund already ?


[Quoted text hidden]

Maco <Maco>26 November 2017 at 09:21

To: care@irctc.co.in


[Quoted text hidden]



全額返金された時のWaiting List チケットはこれ:
200Rs チャージされて200Rs返金されている。

Booking Confirmation on IRCTC, Train: 12345, 20-Sep-2017, SL, MLDT - NJP
ticketadmin@irctc.co.in <ticketadmin@irctc.co.in>20 September 2017 at 16:16


Ticket Confirmation

Dear Customer,
Congratulations! Thank you for using IRCTC's online rail reservation facility. Your e-ticket has been booked and the details are indicated below.
Please take a screenshot of ERS i.e. Virtual Reservation Message(VRM) OF YOUR TICKET FROM YOUR Booked Tickets History page .You have to carry this VRM or SMS send to you along with any one from the listed identity cards (Voter Identity Card / Passport / PAN Card / Driving License / Photo ID card issued by Central / State Govt / Student Identity Card with photograph issued by recognized School or College for their students / Nationalised Bank Passbook with photograph / Credit Cards issued by Banks with laminated photograph) during train journey in original. Both these i.e SMS or VRM & original ID will be examined by ticket checking staff on stations/trains for verification purpose.

Ticket Details

Transaction ID :100000985497286PNR No. :6606182167Train No. / Name :12345 / SARAIGHAT EXP
Date of Booking :20-Sep-2017Class :SLEEPER CLASSQuota :GENERAL
Date of Journey :20-Sep-2017From :MLDTTo :NJP
Boarding At :MLDTDate Of Boarding :20-Sep-2017Reservation Up to :NJP
Scheduled Departure :21:45 Hrs    


Passenger Details

Sl. No.Name GenderStatusCoachSeat / Berth / WL No
1Maco MaleRLWL 10 


Fare Details

Distance :233 KM
Ticket Fare :Rs. 200.00
Service Charge (Inclusive of GST) :Rs. 0.00
Travel Insurance Premium (Inclusive of GST) :Rs. 0.00
Total Fare :Rs. 200.00 *#
* Payment Gateway charges as applicable.
# Agent Charges as applicable, if any.


Waiting List チケットは、



20Rs の Clear Trip 手数料も戻らない。


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