How Airtel Scammer deal with Customers

On 21th,  April, 2018,

I charged 500 Rs. successfully by cash at shop in front of railway station Pune、India.

Because I wanted to use this amount for 499 Rs plan, 2GB/day 82days from MyAirtel apri.

But it was not possible to pay for it.

Charged money can be used only through Airtel money.

It was not possible to use Airtel Money for foreigner.

Airtel Money function is disable for foreigner.

So I claimed to Airtel shop in Pune.

Airtel shop in Pune

They said that Registering on Airtel money is not possible by Foreign Passport.

They did not allow this 500 Rs to use for buying 499 Rs service.

I asked them to refund this 500 Rs.

They run away.


In few days later, I claimed about it through twitter Airtel customer support.


Bellow is how Airtel responded, and finally run away.


[voice icon="" name="" type="r"] I am tourist from Japan. I charged 500Rs. I tried to use this amount for buying 499Rs plan, 2GB/day 82days from MyAirtel. But it failed. Because Airtel Money is blocking foreigner to register. This 500Rs is now frozen. Please refund this money, if not scammer. 

[/voice]19:50 - 2018年April 24


[voice icon="" name="" type="l"]Hey, I see your message here & one of us will reach you shortly to help! Thank you, Vikas[/voice]April 24


[voice icon="" name="" type="l"]Hi, I’d love to answer your questions! You can use your main balance to add on more talk-times. Use myairtel app to avail special recharges anytime anywhere! If you still have any doubts message me anytime, I will certainly help you through. Thank you, Shivani R

[/voice]April 24


[voice icon="" name="" type="r"]I do not use telephone. I recharged 500Rs only to buy 499Rs plan 2GB/day unlimited call. You can not force customer to spend money for your profitable selected services. Customers have right to use recharged money for their own choice of Airtel services.

[/voice]April 24


[voice icon="" name="" type="r"]No other country except India has such foreigner blocking system as Airtel Money. Airtel must provide some way to spend charged amount freely for every users including foreigner without discrimination.

[/voice]April 24


[voice icon="" name="" type="r"]I am leaving India within 2 months. This 500Rs will be confiscated by Airtell, if not refund.

[/voice]April 24

[voice icon="" name="" type="l"]Hey, I see your message here & one of us will reach you shortly to help! - Shweta

[/voice]April 25


[voice icon="" name="" type="l"]Hi! As mentioned earlier, the combo recharges can not be done through main account balance. Further, usage of foreign cards/bank account is currently not available on the airtel payment bank. I'm still here, if you need further assistance. Thank you, Devashish

[/voice]April 25

[voice icon="" name="" type="r"]Where did you mention earlier ? Where is it explained on your Airtel website or MyAirtel apri that "the combo recharges can not be done through main account balance." ? Please send URL or Screenshot. Please kindly provide the way to refund 500 Rs.

[/voice]April 25


[voice icon="" name="" type="r"]Are you not going to respond ? Should I report to police about this criminal fraud case to register ?

[/voice]April 27

[voice icon="" name="" type="l"]Hi! I understand you are looking for the best possible solution. I see, we've discussed this matter earlier and shared necessary information. If you have further questions, please send us a DM. Thank you, Davinder

[/voice]April 27


Direct mail

[voice icon="" name="" type="r"]Where is it explained on your Airtel website or MyAirtel apri that "the combo recharges can not be done through main account balance." ? Please send URL or Screenshot. Please kindly provide the way to refund 500 Rs.

[/voice]April 28

[voice icon="" name="" type="l"]Hi! I completely hear you. Please be informed, special recharge offers can not be availed via main balance. If you have further questions, please send us a DM. Thank you, Tania

[/voice]]April 28


[voice icon="" name="" type="r"]

Then please kindly provide the way to refund this 500 Rs.

April 28



[voice icon="" name="" type="r"]How long does it take to answer ?  May 1


[voice icon="" name="" type="l"]Hi! I understand you are looking for the best possible solution. Please be informed, once recharge is done, it can not be reversed or refunded. Let us know if any further assistance is required. Thank you, Davinder   May 1


[voice icon="" name="" type="r"]Where is it explained in your Airtel website or in Airtel apri ”once recharge is done, it can not be reversed or refunded” ? please send URL or Screenshot. Or please show me or send me the term of service about recharging.  May 1


[voice icon="" name="" type="r"]How long does it take to answer ?  May 2



[voice icon="" name="" type="r"]

Are you running away ?

May 6



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