画像のサムネイルを再作成する時には、Regenerate Thumbnails 等のプラグインを使用しがちであるが、サーバーにSSHでログインできるならば、コマンドラインで同じことができる。
wp media regenerate $(wp eval 'foreach( get_posts( array( "post_status" => "publish", "posts_per_page" => -1 ) ) as $id ) { echo get_post_thumbnail_id( $id ) . " "; }' )
wp media regenerate $(wp eval 'foreach( get_posts(array("category" => 2,"fields" => "ids", "posts_per_page" => -1 )) as $id ) { echo get_post_thumbnail_id($id). " "; }')
* [--image_size=<image_size>]
Name of the image size to regenerate. Only thumbnails of this image size will be regenerated, thumbnails of other image sizes will not.
Skip deletion of the original thumbnails. If your thumbnails are linked from sources outside your control, it’s likely best to leave them around. Defaults to false.
Only generate thumbnails for images missing image sizes.
Answer yes to the confirmation message. Confirmation only shows when no IDs passed as arguments.