pickup というタグが付いている記事が、順に横に流れるように表示される。
このスライダー機能には、Jquery が使用されている。
このスライダーをjs なしでCSSだけで実現できないかと模索してみた。
parts_homeheader.php 等のスライダーを表示したい場所に、次のように記述する。
<?php if ( is_front_page() || is_home() ) : ?> <?php $args = array( 'posts_per_page' => 13, 'offset' => 0, 'tag' => 'pickup', 'meta_key' => 'views', 'orderby' => 'meta_value_num', 'order' => 'DESC', 'post_type' => array('post','page'), 'post_status' => 'publish', 'suppress_filters' => true, 'ignore_sticky_posts' => true, 'no_found_rows' => true ); $the_query = new WP_Query( $args ); if ( $the_query->have_posts() ) { $count=1; // ループの前に最初の数字を代入 ?> <div id="top_carousel" class="css-sliderwrap carouselwrap wrap cf"> <!-- スライダー部 --> <div id="stage"> <input id="r1" type="radio" name="slider8"> <input id="r2" type="radio" name="slider8"> <input id="r3" type="radio" name="slider8"> <input id="r4" type="radio" name="slider8"> <input id="r5" type="radio" name="slider8"> <input id="r6" type="radio" name="slider8"> <input id="r7" type="radio" name="slider8"> <input id="r8" type="radio" name="slider8"> <!-- スライド群 --> <ul id="photos" class="css-slider-li"> <?php while ( $the_query->have_posts() ) { $the_query->the_post(); ?> <li id="photo<?php echo $count;?>" class="pic"> <a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="<?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"> <?php $cat = get_the_category(); $cat = $cat[0]; ?> <?php if ( has_post_thumbnail()) : ?> <?php $post_title= get_the_title(); ?> <figure class="eyecatch"> <?php the_post_thumbnail('wpp348x208', array( 'alt' => $post_title,'title' => $post_title )); ?> <span class="wpp-views"><?php if(function_exists('the_views')) { the_views(); } ?></span> <span class="osusume-label cat-name cat-id-<?php echo $cat->cat_ID;?>"><?php echo $cat->name; ?></span> </figure> <?php else: ?> <figure class="eyecatch noimg"> <img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/library/images/noimg.png"> <span class="wpp-views"><?php if(function_exists('the_views')) { the_views(); } ?></span> <span class="osusume-label cat-name cat-id-<?php echo $cat->cat_ID;?>"><?php echo $cat->name; ?></span> </figure> <?php endif; ?> <h2 class="h2 entry-title"><?php the_title(); ?></h2> </a></li> <?php $count ; // 次のループの前に数字を増やす } ; ?> </ul> <!-- スライダー部の高さ確保 --> <div class="padding-top"></div> <!-- スライドボタン --> <div id="btns"> <label for="r1" id="btn1" class="p_bar"></label> <label for="r2" id="btn2" class="p_bar"></label> <label for="r3" id="btn3" class="p_bar"></label> <label for="r4" id="btn4" class="p_bar"></label> <label for="r5" id="btn5" class="p_bar"></label> <label for="r6" id="btn6" class="p_bar"></label> <label for="r7" id="btn7" class="p_bar"></label> <label for="r8" id="btn8" class="p_bar"></label> <!-- 位置表示バー --> <div id="p_btn"></div> </div> <!-- ボタン部の高さ確保 --> <div style="padding-top:2%;"></div> </div> </div> <?php } wp_reset_postdata(); ?> <?php endif; ?>
'meta_key' => 'views',
'orderby' => 'meta_value_num',
/* CSSスライダー*/ .carouselwrap { background-color: transparent; width: 100%; max-width: 1490px; border-radius: 22px; max-height: 296px; } .carouselwrap a { display: block; text-decoration: none; color: #444; padding: 0; margin-right: 1px; } div#top_carousel figure.eyecatch { max-width: 293px; max-height: 208px; position: relative; } .carouselwrap .entry-title { width: auto; font-size: .9em; } body{ counter-reset: cssslider; } div#top_carousel figure.eyecatch::before { counter-increment: cssslider; content: counter(cssslider); background: #000000; margin-right: 3px; color: #fff; width: 1.5em; height: 1.5em; font-size: 0.55em; font-weight: 300; display: block; text-align: center; line-height: 1.5em; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; background: #006400; color: #ffffff; z-index: 1; } /* スライダー部(#leftcolomnのwidth;0;の時はwidth:100%;) */ #stage { position: relative; /* width: 90%; */ background: #F8F2F2; overflow: hidden; border-radius: 10%; margin: 0 auto; } /* スライド群 */ #photos { position: absolute; width: 100%; left:0%; top:0px; transition:left 1s ease; animation:transtoright0 32s linear infinite;animation-delay:1s; } .pic { width:20%; position:absolute; } .pic img { width:94%; } #photo1 { left:0%; } #photo2 { left:20%; } #photo3 { left:40%; } #photo4 { left:60%; } #photo5 { left:80%; } #photo6 { left:100%; } #photo7 { left:120%; } #photo8 { left:140%; } #photo9 { left:160%; } #photo10 { left:180%; } #photo11 { left:200%; } #photo12 { left:220%; } #photo13 { left:240%; } /* スライドボタン・位置表示バー */ #btns { width:20%;margin:0 auto;position:relative; } .p_bar { display:block;width:10%;height:8px;background:#aaa; } .p_bar { position:absolute;top:8px; } .p_bar:hover { cursor:pointer; } #p_btn { display:block;width:10%;height:8px;background:#f00;z-index:20;position:absolute;top:8px; } #btn1 { left:0%; } #btn2 { left:12%; } #btn3 { left:24%; } #btn4 { left:36%; } #btn5 { left:48%; } #btn6 { left:60%; } #btn7 { left:72%; } #btn8 { left:84%; } #p_btn { left:0%; transition:left 1s ease; animation:bar_position0 32s linear infinite;animation-delay:1s;pointer-events : none; } #r1,#r2,#r3,#r4,#r5,#r6,#r7,#r8 { display:none; } /* スライドボタンクリック時のスライド群のanimation設定 */ #r1:checked ~ #photos { left:1%; animation:transtoright1 32s linear infinite;animation-delay:1s; } #r2:checked ~ #photos { left:-19%; animation:transtoright2 32s linear infinite;animation-delay:1s; } #r3:checked ~ #photos { left:-39%; animation:transtoright3 32s linear infinite;animation-delay:1s; } #r4:checked ~ #photos { left:-59%; animation:transtoright4 32s linear infinite;animation-delay:1s; } #r5:checked ~ #photos { left:-79%; animation:transtoright5 32s linear infinite;animation-delay:1s; } #r6:checked ~ #photos { left:-99%; animation:transtoright6 32s linear infinite;animation-delay:1s; } #r7:checked ~ #photos { left:-119%; animation:transtoright7 32s linear infinite;animation-delay:1s; } #r8:checked ~ #photos { left:-139%; animation:transtoright8 32s linear infinite;animation-delay:1s; } /* スライドボタンクリック時の位置表示バーのanimation設定 */ #r1:checked ~ #btns #p_btn { left:0%; animation-play-state:running; animation:bar_position1 32s linear infinite; animation-delay:1s; } #r2:checked ~ #btns #p_btn { left:12%;animation:bar_position2 32s linear infinite; animation-delay:1s; animation-play-state:running; } #r3:checked ~ #btns #p_btn { left:24%; animation:bar_position3 32s linear infinite; animation-delay:1s; animation-play-state:running; } #r4:checked ~ #btns #p_btn { left:36%; animation-play-state:running; animation:bar_position4 32s linear infinite; animation-delay:1s; } #r5:checked ~ #btns #p_btn { left:48%; animation-play-state:running; animation:bar_position5 32s linear infinite; animation-delay:1s; } #r6:checked ~ #btns #p_btn { left:60%; animation:bar_position6 32s linear infinite; animation-delay:1s; } #r7:checked ~ #btns #p_btn { left:72%; animation:bar_position7 32s linear infinite; animation-delay:1s; } #r8:checked ~ #btns #p_btn { left:84%; animation:bar_position8 32s linear infinite; animation-delay:1s; } /* クリックされたスライドボタンの再クリック不能を示す */ #r1:checked ~ #btns #btn1,#r2:checked ~ #btns #btn2,#r3:checked ~ #btns #btn3,#r4:checked ~ #btns #btn4,#r5:checked ~ #btns #btn5,#r6:checked ~ #btns #btn6,#r7:checked ~ #btns #btn7,#r8:checked ~ #btns #btn8 { opacity:0.4; cursor:auto;} /* スライド群のanimation */ @keyframes transtoright0 { 0% { left:1%; } 10% { left:1%; } 12.5% { left:-19% } 22.5% { left:-19% } 25% { left:-39% } 35% { left:-39% } 37.5% { left:-59% } 47.5% { left:-59% } 50% { left:-79% } 60% { left:-79% } 62.5% { left:-99% } 72.5% { left:-99% } 75% { left:-119% } 85% { left:-119% } 87.5% { left:-139% } 97.5% { left:-139% } 99.9999% { left:-159% } 100% { left:1%; } } @keyframes transtoright1 { 0% { left:1%; } 10% { left:1%; } 12.5% { left:-19% } 22.5% { left:-19% } 25% { left:-39% } 35% { left:-39% } 37.5% { left:-59% } 47.5% { left:-59% } 50% { left:-79% } 60% { left:-79% } 62.5% { left:-99% } 72.5% { left:-99% } 75% { left:-119% } 85% { left:-119% } 87.5% { left:-139% } 97.5% { left:-139% } 99.9999% { left:-159% } 100% { left:1%; } } @keyframes transtoright2 { 0% { left:-19%; } 10% { left:-19%; } 12.5% { left:-39% } 22.5% { left:-39% } 25% { left:-59% } 35% { left:-59% } 37.5% { left:-79% } 47.5% { left:-79% } 50% { left:-99% } 60% { left:-99% } 62.5% { left:-119% } 72.5% { left:-119% } 75% { left:-139% } 85% { left:-139% } 87.4999% { left:-159% } 87.5% { left:1% } 97.5% { left:1% } 100% { left:-19%; } } @keyframes transtoright3 { 0% { left:-39%; } 10% { left:-39%; } 12.5% { left:-59% } 22.5% { left:-59% } 25% { left:-79% } 35% { left:-79% } 37.5% { left:-99% } 47.5% { left:-99% } 50% { left:-119% } 60% { left:-119% } 62.5% { left:-139% } 72.5% { left:-139% } 74.9999% { left:-159% } 75% { left:1% } 85% { left:1% } 87.5% { left:-19% } 97.5% { left:-19% } 100% { left:-39%; } } @keyframes transtoright4 { 0% { left:-59%; } 10% { left:-59%; } 12.5% { left:-79% } 22.5% { left:-79% } 25% { left:-99% } 35% { left:-99% } 37.5% { left:-119% } 47.5% { left:-119% } 50% { left:-139% } 60% { left:-139% } 62.4999% { left:-159% } 62.5% { left:1% } 72.5% { left:1% } 75% { left:-19% } 85% { left:-19% } 87.5% { left:-39% } 97.5% { left:-39% } 100% { left:-59%; } } @keyframes transtoright5 { 0% { left:-79%; } 10% { left:-79%; } 12.5% { left:-99% } 22.5% { left:-99% } 25% { left:-119% } 35% { left:-119% } 37.5% { left:-139% } 47.5% { left:-139% } 49.9999% { left:-159% } 50% { left:1% } 60% { left:1% } 62.5% { left:-19% } 72.5% { left:-19% } 75% { left:-39% } 85% { left:-39% } 87.5% { left:-59% } 97.5% { left:-59% } 100% { left:-79%; } } @keyframes transtoright6 { 0% { left:-99%; } 10% { left:-99%; } 12.5% { left:-119% } 22.5% { left:-119% } 25% { left:-139% } 35% { left:-139% } 37.4999% { left:-159% } 37.5% { left:1% } 47.5% { left:1% } 50% { left:-19% } 60% { left:-19% } 62.5% { left:-39% } 72.5% { left:-39% } 75% { left:-59% } 85% { left:-59% } 87.5% { left:-79% } 97.5% { left:-79% } 100% { left:-99%; } } @keyframes transtoright7 { 0% { left:-119%; } 10% { left:-119%; } 12.5% { left:-139% } 22.5% { left:-139% } 24.9999% { left:-159% } 25% { left:1% } 35% { left:1% } 37.5% { left:-19% } 47.5% { left:-19% } 50% { left:-39% } 60% { left:-39% } 62.5% { left:-59% } 72.5% { left:-59% } 75% { left:-79% } 85% { left:-79% } 87.5% { left:-99% } 97.5% { left:-99% } 100% { left:-119%; } } @keyframes transtoright8 { 0% { left:-139%; } 10% { left:-139%; } 12.4999% { left:-159% } 12.5% { left:1% } 22.5% { left:1% } 25% { left:-19% } 35% { left:-19% } 37.5% { left:-39% } 47.5% { left:-39% } 50% { left:-59% } 60% { left:-59% } 62.5% { left:-79% } 72.5% { left:-79% } 75% { left:-99% } 85% { left:-99% } 87.5% { left:-119% } 97.5% { left:-119% } 100% { left:-139%; } } /* 位置表示バーのanimation */ @keyframes bar_position0 { 0% { left:0%; } 10% { left:0% } 12.5% { left:12%; } 22.5% { left:12%; } 25% { left:24% } 35% { left:24% } 37.5% { left:36% } 47.5% { left:36% } 50% { left:48% } 60% { left:48% } 62.5% { left:60% } 72.5% { left:60% } 75% { left:72% } 85% { left:72% } 87.5% { left:84% } 97.5% { left:84% } 100% { left:0%; } } @keyframes bar_position1 { 0% { left:0%; } 10% { left:0% } 12.5% { left:12%; } 22.5% { left:12%; } 25% { left:24% } 35% { left:24% } 37.5% { left:36% } 47.5% { left:36% } 50% { left:48% } 60% { left:48% } 62.5% { left:60% } 72.5% { left:60% } 75% { left:72% } 85% { left:72% } 87.5% { left:84% } 97.5% { left:84% } 100% { left:0%; } } @keyframes bar_position2 { 0% { left:12%; } 10% { left:12% } 12.5% { left:24%; } 22.5% { left:24%; } 25% { left:36% } 35% { left:36% } 37.5% { left:48% } 47.5% { left:48% } 50% { left:60% } 60% { left:60% } 62.5% { left:72% } 72.5% { left:72% } 75% { left:84% } 85% { left:84% } 87.5% { left:0% } 97.5% { left:0% } 100% { left:12%; } } @keyframes bar_position3 { 0% { left:24%; } 10% { left:24% } 12.5% { left:36%; } 22.5% { left:36%; } 25% { left:48% } 35% { left:48% } 37.5% { left:60% } 47.5% { left:60% } 50% { left:72% } 60% { left:72% } 62.5% { left:84% } 72.5% { left:84% } 75% { left:0% } 85% { left:0% } 87.5% { left:12% } 97.5% { left:12% } 100% { left:24%; } } @keyframes bar_position4 { 0% { left:36%; } 10% { left:36% } 12.5% { left:48%; } 22.5% { left:48%; } 25% { left:60% } 35% { left:60% } 37.5% { left:72% } 47.5% { left:72% } 50% { left:84% } 60% { left:84% } 62.5% { left:0% } 72.5% { left:0% } 75% { left:12% } 85% { left:12% } 87.5% { left:24 } 97.5% { left:24 } 100% { left:36%; } } @keyframes bar_position5 { 0% { left:48%; } 10% { left:48% } 12.5% { left:60%; } 22.5% { left:60%; } 25% { left:72% } 35% { left:72% } 37.5% { left:84% } 47.5% { left:84% } 50% { left:0% } 60% { left:0% } 62.5% { left:12% } 72.5% { left:12% } 75% { left:24% } 85% { left:24% } 87.5% { left:36% } 97.5% { left:36% } 100% { left:48%; } } @keyframes bar_position6 { 0% { left:60%; } 10% { left:60% } 12.5% { left:72%; } 22.5% { left:72%; } 25% { left:84% } 35% { left:84% } 37.5% { left:0% } 47.5% { left:0% } 50% { left:12% } 60% { left:12% } 62.5% { left:24% } 72.5% { left:24% } 75% { left:36% } 85% { left:36% } 87.5% { left:48% } 97.5% { left:48% } 100% { left:60%; } } @keyframes bar_position7 { 0% { left:72%; } 10% { left:72% } 12.5% { left:84%; } 22.5% { left:84%; } 25% { left:0% } 35% { left:0% } 37.5% { left:12% } 47.5% { left:12% } 50% { left:24% } 60% { left:24% } 62.5% { left:36% } 72.5% { left:36% } 75% { left:48% } 85% { left:48% } 87.5% { left:60% } 97.5% { left:60% } 100% { left:72%; } } @keyframes bar_position8 { 0% { left:84%; } 10% { left:84% } 12.5% { left:0%; } 22.5% { left:0%; } 25% { left:12% } 35% { left:12% } 37.5% { left:24% } 47.5% { left:24% } 50% { left:36% } 60% { left:36% } 62.5% { left:48% } 72.5% { left:48% } 75% { left:60% } 85% { left:60% } 87.5% { left:72% } 97.5% { left:72% } 100% { left:84%; } } .padding-top { padding-top: 264px; } div#top_carousel { margin-bottom: 1em; } .carouselwrap .eyecatch img { border-radius: 8px; width: 100%; max-width: 293px; max-height: 208px; } @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .carouselwrap .entry-title { width: auto; font-size: .7em; font-weight: 200; } .padding-top { padding-top: 23.5%; } .pic { width: 20%; position: absolute; } .carouselwrap .eyecatch img { max-width: 220px; max-height: 86px; } .post-list-card .post-list .description { font-size: .9em; line-height: 1.5em; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; -webkit-line-clamp: 5; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 440px) { .carouselwrap .eyecatch img { max-width: 220px; max-height: 86px; } .carouselwrap .entry-title { width: auto; font-size: .6em; font-weight: 200; } .padding-top { padding-top: 126px; } img.size-large { border-radius: 0; } .post-list-card .post-list .description { font-size: .9em; line-height: 1.5em; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; -webkit-line-clamp: 4; } } /* スライダー終わり*/
スライダーに表示したい記事に pickup というタグをつける。
